Memorials across the Globe

While Amin’s parents spent the weekend at the Holy Land praying and meditating with memories of dear Amin, family and friends held memorials to honor him.

Here is a report from the memorial held at Amin’s resting place in Bellevue, Washington.

Today was the Anniversary of Amin-jan’s passing, and I feel you should know how it went.  A few days ago I informed the friends that we are getting together on Sunday at 2:00 PM.  I was there at 1:00 PM and washed the stone, watered the flowers and arranged some cut flowers around the stone.  Around 2:15 about 35 friends joined us.   Many prayers were said and we ended with the Tablet of Ahmad.  The weather was beautiful and super warm.  There was a big shade which shielded us from the sun.  A nice pleasant breeze was blowing.  Most people brought flowers and Amin-jan’s stone was full of flowers. What a spiritual, beautiful day, and what a blessing it was that the weather was not rainy.  I am sure Amin was with us and had something to do with the weather.

In response, Amin’s parents wrote the following note earlier today:

We are sitting in top of our hotel terrace  reading your email with teary eyes.  How lucky we are to have a family and friends like you in our lives.  Indeed it is a very special and emotional time in our life.  I am sure our dearest Amin John has been with each one of us these days.  We are so delighted prayers were said at his resting place on his anniversary and looking forward to see the pictures.

There were also memorials and gatherings in honor of dear Amin in Brisbane; Beijing; Shanghai; Madrid; Washington, DC; Atlanta; Houston; and San Francisco.

Below are some photos of these events.  Additional photos will be made added as they become available.

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